How to Successfully Make A Career Change

Authored by YouMe Jeon, Managing Director, Korea & Regional Business Group Head

career change

The term "job for life" is a thing of the past, with more and more professionals changing careers several times.

If you are considering a career change, you are not alone. According to our recent survey, 34% of our respondents feel the same way. It is estimated that workers change careers on average between 3 and 7 times during their working life. Generation Z, born between the mid-1990s and mid-2020s, is more open to pivoting their careers completely and looking for new opportunities in different industries compared to previous generations.

Still, the prospect of changing careers can be daunting, especially in an uncertain economy, and changing jobs is never a decision you make lightly. So, when would be the right time to consider a career change?

Four telltale signs that it might be time for a career change

At work, there are good days and bad days, but these may be the signs that we need a career change.

1. You’ve Become Apathetic

You feel that with each passing day, you're becoming more and more disconnected from your original motivations for entering this profession. If you can't remember the last time you were excited about a new idea or your next project, it's time to rethink your role.

2. You’re Dreading Going to Work

There are days when we dread going to work. However, if you constantly find yourself looking forward to the weekend, and the anxiety starts kicking in on Sunday night, it means you’re dissatisfied with your current job.

3. You’re Working Just for the Money

While a higher earning power can support a better quality of life, the job is not worthwhile if you don't find joy in working for it. A career where you feel like you're following your calling and finding personal and professional fulfillment can far outweigh money. Happy and fulfilled workers are 20% more productive than unhappy workers, which means that you would most likely achieve more career growth in the long run.

4. You’re Disconnected from Your Passions

Do you find it difficult to be motivated and driven by what originally drew you in when you first entered the workforce or when you first started your career? If your answer is yes, then it’s time to ponder what Simon Sinek - author, career coach, and inspirational speaker – says: start with your 'why’. Take some time to think about why started your career in your current field or job, and then consider why you want to pursue a different career. Through this reflection, you will find out how a career change could truly benefit you personally.

Three benefits of changing careers

The decision to change careers is probably as difficult as actually doing it because change brings uncertainty. However, there are many benefits to changing careers.

1. Higher Salary

If you stay with one company, your base salary will likely increase by 3-5% annually. If you change companies or careers, you may be in a better position to negotiate a larger increase. However, don’t forget that money should not be your sole consideration because you may find yourself becoming apathetic, dreading work, and disconnecting from your passion again.

We asked our LinkedIn followers what they thought about career changes and found that the top two reasons for candidates to consider changing careers were better pay and growth – both at 33%.

2. Expanding Your Skillset For Career Advancement

By changing careers, you can acquire new skills or improve your existing ones. Expanding your skills keeps you engaged and increases your marketability in an increasingly competitive job market. As you expand your skillset, there is a greater possibility of career development and advancement, which is a great consideration if you feel stagnant in your current position.

3. New or Better Working Environment

The desire to see if the 'grass is greener on the other side' is often a major motivator for changing careers. A change in the work environment may lead to remarkable improvements in work performance and increased productivity.

Five things to do to ensure a successful career change

Now that you know the benefits of making a career change, it's important to take the right steps to ensure your career change is successful.

1. Evaluate Your Current Job Satisfaction and Challenges

Evaluate the situation at your current job, your reason for seeking a career change, and the career path before deciding to change your career. Find out what you like and dislike about it as this will help you to know what types of work environments and positions you prefer and those to avoid in the future.

2. Examine Your Values, Interests, Skills, and Abilities

Look at your current and past work experiences and determine what you liked best and why. This will help you determine the career that is most interesting to you.

3. Do Your Research on Jobs Availability

Once you've decided on a new career path, start researching job availability and opportunities. Also, find out about if there are any qualifications and specific skills you'd need for the job.

4. Upskill Yourself

Identify gaps in your skills and find ways to fill them. This is a great opportunity to learn and expand your skillset and knowledge. There are many free online courses you can take to gain expertise and get certified.

5. Expand Your Professional Network

Once you have found your desired career, contact your network so they can assist you in your job search. If you are in the early stages of considering a career change, keep building and expanding your professional network because you never know who might be able to assist you later in your career.


Now that you’ve considered our tips - what kind of career change are you aiming for? Are you planning to move to a completely new industry, but to a similar role? Or are you thinking of staying in your current industry, but in a different role? Or are you looking to change your career path altogether?

If you are considering a career change but do not know where to start, let us at PERSOLKELLY help you take the first step toward your career change.